Message from Buddhist Chief High Priest of Malaysia
‘An empowered, upgraded rural community enjoying the quality of life’
As our vision suggests, Ti-Ratana Community Centre works to uplift the lives of people. We believe that one should ‘share to care’ and as such we have made it our mission to create equal opportunities for children in low-income groups to become educated, healthy and socially responsible citizens of the country, and to ensure the well-being amongst the senior citizens/elders who have been neglected or become helpless, whilst making awareness amongst special children on how to lead a happy and contented life by adhering to the teachings of Lord Buddha.
It is also our view to promote the practice of meditation among the Sri Lankan laities since they represent an important section of the people and to find ways and means to look into the light of street children in Sri Lanka. Taking into consideration that many people across the country are deprived of basic requirements, job-oriented training programs and infrastructure facilities required for a decent living, we decided to start TI-Ratana Community Centre. Our objectives are mainly concentrated on Buddhist and Social Services Activities.
TI-Ratana Community Centre is currently housed at premises No. 1572/3, Sirimalwatta 2, Horahena Road, Kottawa, Pannipitiya in Western Province. The cost of the TI-Ratana Community Centre project is intended to be secured through public philanthropy. With a view to raising the funding target, a separate committee affiliated to the TI-Ratana Community Centre has been formed. The committee has decided on a series of funding strategies to meet the required target including circulating and presenting the detailed project proposal to potential donors. A huge Thank you is in order to all the staff members in Sri Lanka and in Malaysia, without whom this project would not be a success.
May you be blessed by the Triple Gem!

Message from the Director of Ti-Ratana Community Centre
At the outset, it’s my proud privilege to greet you and pray for showers of blessings from the Lord Buddha.
I extend my heartiest greeting to Ti-Ratana Community Centre, Sri Lanka is one of the best free Educational institutes in our area and its contributions to teaching and the overall personality development of the children. In today’s fast-changing world, there are many distractions for students.
It becomes essential that students get the education which enables them to steer through the challenges of life successfully by treading on the path of righteousness. We at Ti-Ratana Community Centre endeavour that students are taught skills, values and techniques and provide them with the learning experiences which enable them to access a wealth of knowledge as they grow up and become responsible citizens.
Mentioning a quote of our Chief Rev. K. Sri Dhammaratana, Chief High Priest of Malaysia “Dreams are not those you get when you sleep, but dreams are those that don’t let you sleep.” Great men were not great when they were born but made themselves great by dreaming of their vision and by persistent learning.
Keeping this in mind children are exposed to a plethora of activities for their judicious all-round development by amalgamating Aryan values and modern technology. We gratefully acknowledge your trust and confidence entrusted in Ti-Ratana Community Centre and thereby, giving us an opportunity to serve society. I extend my best wishes to all the students, parents and well-wishers.